Tag: RDO

New Lead Development Officer appointed

We are delighted to announce the appointment of Louise Adams as the new Lead Development Officer for SOA. From a field of high quality applicants for the post, Louise’s excitement and enthusiasm for the World Orienteering Championships coming to Edinburgh in 2024 made her the obvious choice to work with our existing development officer, Heidi Ross.

A graduate from Edinburgh University, Louise is a qualified orienteering coach who has coached both on Junior Regional Orienteering Squads (JROS) Tours and here in Scotland. She is originally from South Yorkshire, is now a member of Interlopers, and based in Edinburgh.

Heidi and Louise will work together to meet the needs of the clubs, regions and development pathway projects under the SOA remit. Having moved away from having an identified development officer for each region, Heidi and Louise will will in the first instance be working together to ensure that the proposals by Baroudeur to Make the Most out of WOC and the current development projects are taken forward. For any club requiring support please contact Louise louise@scottish-orienteering.org or Heidi heidi@scottish-orienteering.org