New Opportunities to Work in Orienteering Development

With the recent grants awarded through the SOA Development Fund, new opportunities with two clubs have arisen to work for the development of orienteering in Edinburgh and Glasgow.

Interlopers Orienteering Club are one such club that have received a grant from the SOA and, in the build up to the World Sprint Orienteering Championships happening in Edinburgh this July, are looking to hire a new Club Development Officer. They are initially hiring someone for 30 days of work over a 6 month period – roughly one day a week but to be flexible for when work is required.

If you or someone you know might be interested, head over to their website for more information on the role and how to apply. The deadline for applications is Sunday 28th April 2024.

Clydeside Orienteers are the oldest club in Glasgow and are using their SOA funding to hire two people to fill their development/project officer roles. One role is to focus on retaining current members, whilst the other will aim to attract new interest in the sport and bring in new members. Initially, the roles will be paid for 10 days but have the potential to extend based on performance and funding. See here for more details on what the roles will entail and how to apply. The deadline for applications is Sunday 5th May 2024.