Final chance to provide input to the Scottish Orienteering Strategy

Ensuring the future of Scottish Orienteering was at the forefront of the minds of the SOA Board when they met in March to consider the development of the strategy for Scottish Orienteering from 2025  to 2029.

The keen eyed amongst you will have noticed that this strategy is not just laying out what the SOA should be doing over the next four years but looking at the larger picture of what is required for Scottish Orienteering as a whole going forward.  The SOA, British Orienteering, clubs and members together with SportScotland all have a part to play to ensure our sport thrives.

Our sport is an inclusive, dynamic sport but like all sports it has challenges with the volunteer load required, the need to expand awareness of the sport beyond our existing participants, retain our existing members as well as being aware of environmental impacts of our sport.  However we believe that with us all working together we can develop and grow our sport.  On that basis we have drafted an outline strategy which looks at  the pathways within our sport and the actions which we believe should be taken over the next four years.

Before the detail is added to the strategy we are giving all our members the opportunity to provide us with their thoughts on the draft strategy proposed for Scottish Orienteering by the SOA Board at two online sessions on Tuesday 16th April and Thursday 18th April at 7pm.  We will also be circulating a google form for those unable to attend the meeting to provide their thoughts.  Please come and join us at whichever meeting suits you best – the links to the meeting areas follows:-

Scottish Orienteering Strategy meeting 16th April 7pm

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 865 3669 2731 Passcode: 990396.

Scottish Orienteering Strategy meeting 18th April 7pm

Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 824 3477 8166 Passcode: 883919